Friday, September 9, 2011

Geometry HW 9/9

**Complete the review packet to be turned in on Monday. If you have NOT turned in 1.8 yet, this is officially due on Monday.
**PERIOD 10: 1.2-1.3, 1.8 Worksheet and review packet all due MONDAY

ALL GEOMETRY: Half Page written  "Pre - Test Reflection" due on Tuesday.


You have (or should have been) reflecting briefly each week on specific assignments and specific "tricky problems" on those assignments. Now I want you to think about the BIG picture. How do you feel about chapter 1? I know some of you are frustrated, but please BE SPECIFIC in what sections of the chapter that are difficult for you and WHY. Simply saying "I felt lost the whole time, I hate math, angles are stupid," is not considered a reflection. I am looking for something along the lines of, "I felt relatively confident while learning about Nets and using protractors, but the definitions for points lines and planes and how to answer questions regarding where they intersect still confuses me. I also performed poorly on the second quiz, so I know I need to look over that material. I keep getting adjacent angles and linear pairs mixed up." In other words, the more specific, the BETTER.

Consider these questions:

What sections do you feel confident with?
What sections are you still struggling with?
Are there particular TYPES of problems that you get confused and flip flop over and over? (for example: midpoint problems and the general segment addition postulate)
Have you figured out WHAT bisect means and how to apply the concept during problems?
How has the homework been overall? Have you been doing the homework? How has doing the homework/not doing the homework related to how well you do on quizzes and how confident you are with the information?
HOW DID YOU/ARE YOU STUDYING FOR THIS TEST? What is your study plan? Did you come in to go over any failed quizzes?

This assignment is going to be worth more than your weekly reflections, so for those who have not been doing these reflections, a REALLY HIGH QUALITY reflection may help even out those "M's" that are bringing your grade down. *Warning*: I will grade these reflections for quality, not quantity. A half page is required, more is welcome but not necessary.

REMINDER: YOU CANNOT MAKE UP REFLECTIONS! You cannot travel back in time to reflect on homework from a week ago! (If you were absent several times that week, come talk to me INDIVIDUALLY and we'll make a plan for that week).

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